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Issue #11 – The modern web – NextJS 12 – Accessible UI hooks

Master Next.js 12's exciting features like middleware and server-side components. Explore PHP's influence on the modern web and discover accessible UI tools.

Aobakwe Kodisang
April 15, 2024
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<1/> The PHP-inspired modern web.

While the rest of the web community looks at the new possibilities coming to the web recently, PHP developers have always been ahead of the curve—being the language behind the golden age of the early internet.

This week we look at some of the early innovations built into PHP early on, that the rest of the web seems to be catching up to.

Mixing templating and logic. HTML templating was first introduced in C and then adopted by Rasmus Lerdorf when creating PHP. Using render functions and models made it easier to couple your data layer with your UI.

Although libraries like EJS showed us what was possible, modern ones like React and Vue have made it popular.

URL-based routing & Invocation. When someone hits an endpoint or a URL in PHP, a script is automatically executed, which can be used to either render your UI client-side or run logic. Very similar to the way serverless functions work today.

All in one framework. CakePHP, and Laravel are just some of the frameworks built on top of PHP that offer developers conventions and auth and have a rich community of plugins that allow you to extend the capabilities of your PHP application.

Server-side rendering, Direct access to the DB, and standard libraries are just a few things that PHP has inspired the rest of the web to adopt today. Here is a podcast episode by the guys at Syntax that delves more into those concepts and is what inspired this week's issue.

<2/> Deeper Dives

CSS-TricksChris GeelhoedPHP templating often gets a bad rap for facilitating subpar code — but that doesn’t have to be the case. Let’s look at how PHP projects can enforce aPHP is A-OK for Templating

<3/> The Weekly Dev

Next remains probably one of the most exciting projects in the ecosystem, and a few weeks ago, the Vercel team hosted Nextjs Conf to justify that excitement. They announced edge functions, presented examples, and previewed some interesting future features. Here are some of the key announcements.

Rust compiler, as if the build times weren’t fast enough. Nextjs 12 is replacing the current Babel compiler with SWC to transform your Javascript and Typescript files, even making some hires that show their dedication to contributing to the Rust community.

Middleware is anything that needs to share logic on either the client or server. The middleware feature will allow you to do that so much easier because it’s now a built-in feature. Here are some examples.

Server-side components:   we all know how game-changing server components in React will be once they arrive, and it seems like Nextjs understands that. Although it’s in beta, this brings a lot, like removing functions like getServersideProps, selective hydration, and a string of other features.

Vercel’s mission to build the SDK for the web with Nextjs doesn’t seem like a far-fetched idea. As React sets to improve, so will Nextjs as a framework, slowly unlocking the web’s full potential.

You can go through the upgrade guide to start using it today.

Next.jsUpgrade Guide | Next.jsLearn how to upgrade Next.js.

Next.jstimneutkensNext.js 12 introduces a brand-new Rust compiler, Middleware (beta), React 18 Support, Native ESM Support, URL Imports, React Server Components (alpha), and more!Next.js 12

<4/> Inside the console

There’s a lot that goes into building a full-blown application, authentication, build processes, and real-time analytics are just a few of the things teams will find themselves inevitably adding to their applications.

AWS Amplify is a service that makes that easier to do by helping developers manage and scale their cloud infrastructure—giving you several other services within AWS to take of your API infrastructure, push notifications and even add Machine Learning capability to your applications.

Here is a list of the features in the service

<5/> Geeking it up

React Aria

A library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system. As a web developer, if you have ever encountered this problem, you know how valuable a tool like this could be.

Postman 2021 State of the API Report

With all the digitization taking place during the pandemic, this has undoubtedly resulted in the increase in APIs being built and used in dev teams. Here is a report that details some of the trends during the year and the overall update of the space.


The quick and simple editor for cron schedule expressions by Cronitor.

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